Go therefore and make disciples of all nations
Matthew 28:19
Missions – is an important service to the "House of Bread". The church regularly organizes mission trips to Mexico, Ukraine, Russia and Africa. Several families traveled from the United States to serve as evangelists, creating new communities. They are Vitaly and Lyuba Kotyakovy (Kremenchug, Ukraine), Anatoly Reznikov and Zola (Ternopil, Ukraine),
Sergey and Natalia Murza (Poltava, Ukraine), Stanislav and Tatyana Zhuchenko (Krasnodar region, Russia). If you want to support our missionaries prayerfully and financially, you can contact us by emailing:
Email: mission@hofb.org
Sergey and Natalia Murza (Poltava, Ukraine), Stanislav and Tatyana Zhuchenko (Krasnodar region, Russia). If you want to support our missionaries prayerfully and financially, you can contact us by emailing:
Email: mission@hofb.org